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Integrate with GemPages

GemPages is a drag & drop page builder on Shopify that creates high-converting, code-free pages with an all-in-one tool.

Install two apps#

  • Be assured that the 2 apps have been installed:‌

Install GemPages Page Builder

Install LAI Product Reviews

Method 1: Add LAI elements#

Step 1: Enable LAI Product Reviews**‌#

  • Click on Library > select Elements > search for LAI Product Reviews > turn on the app.


Step 1: Add this extension to your chrome: LAI Reviews

Step 2: Choose an element#

  • On the left area, scroll down to the bottom > drag and drop LAI elements block to your favorite position on the page.


  • LAI AliExpress - Star ratings block is added by default.

  • To show another element, please choose it here:


Step 3: Save and publish#

  • Save and publish the block addition and check it in your online store.

Method 2: Add LAI code#

Step 1: Add elements#

  • On the left area, please choose Liquid block > drag and drop the block to your favorite position on the page.


Step 2: Add LAI code#

  • Choose a widget you want to add to the position.

  • Click on the pen icon on the right bar.


  • Use following LAI code to show widget:

1. Product review section

{% assign random_number = "now" | date: "%N" | modulo: 1000 | plus: 0 %}<script>var sectionConfig=  (typeof sectionConfig == "undefined" || sectionConfig == null) ? {} : sectionConfig;var scmCustomData=  (typeof scmCustomData == "undefined" || scmCustomData == null) ? {} : scmCustomData;var scmCustomDataWigetAll= (typeof scmCustomDataWigetAll == "undefined" || scmCustomDataWigetAll == null) ? [] : scmCustomDataWigetAll; scmCustomDataWigetAll['{{ random_number }}'] ={"id_iframe" : "{{ random_number }}","productId" : "{{ }}","typePage" : 'productPage',"sectionConfig" : JSON.stringify(sectionConfig),"scmCustomData" : JSON.stringify(scmCustomData),'dataProduct' : []};sectionConfig= null;scmCustomData= null;scmCustomDataWigetAll['{{ random_number }}'].dataProduct['product']= {{ product | json }};{% for metafieldValue in  product.metafields.scm_review_importer %}scmCustomDataWigetAll['{{ random_number }}'].dataProduct['{{ metafieldValue[0] }}']= `{{ metafieldValue[1] | json }}`;{% endfor %}</script><div class="scm-container" style="display: none;">    <div class="scm-reviews-importer" data-product-id= "{{ }}">        <iframe class="scm-reviews-importer-iframe" width="100%" title="Sma reviews section Product page" data-idIframe="{{ random_number }}"></iframe>    </div></div>

2. Card carousel

<script>var sectionConfig={ "type_layout" : "cardCarousel", "source" : "default_layout"};</script>{% assign random_number = "now" | date: "%N" | modulo: 1000 | plus: 0 %}<script>var sectionConfig=  (typeof sectionConfig == "undefined" || sectionConfig == null) ? {} : sectionConfig;var scmCustomData= (typeof scmCustomData == "undefined" || scmCustomData == null) ? {} : scmCustomData;var scmCustomDataWigetAll= (typeof scmCustomDataWigetAll == "undefined" || scmCustomDataWigetAll == null) ? [] : scmCustomDataWigetAll; scmCustomDataWigetAll['{{ random_number }}'] ={ "id_iframe" : "{{ random_number }}","productId" : "","typePage" : 'homePage',"sectionConfig" : JSON.stringify(sectionConfig),"scmCustomData" : JSON.stringify(scmCustomData),'dataProduct' : []};sectionConfig= null;scmCustomData= null;</script><div class="scm-container" style="display: none;"><div class="scm-reviews-importer"><iframe class="scm-reviews-importer-iframe" width="100%" title="Sma reviews section Home Page" data-idIframe="{{ random_number }}"></iframe></div></div>

3. Testimonial carousel

<script>var sectionConfig={ "type_layout" : "testimonial", "source" : "default_layout"};</script>{% assign random_number = "now" | date: "%N" | modulo: 1000 | plus: 0 %}<script>var sectionConfig=  (typeof sectionConfig == "undefined" || sectionConfig == null) ? {} : sectionConfig;var scmCustomData= (typeof scmCustomData == "undefined" || scmCustomData == null) ? {} : scmCustomData;var scmCustomDataWigetAll= (typeof scmCustomDataWigetAll == "undefined" || scmCustomDataWigetAll == null) ? [] : scmCustomDataWigetAll; scmCustomDataWigetAll['{{ random_number }}'] ={ "id_iframe" : "{{ random_number }}","productId" : "","typePage" : 'homePage',"sectionConfig" : JSON.stringify(sectionConfig),"scmCustomData" : JSON.stringify(scmCustomData),'dataProduct' : []};sectionConfig= null;scmCustomData= null;</script><div class="scm-container" style="display: none;"><div class="scm-reviews-importer"><iframe class="scm-reviews-importer-iframe" width="100%" title="Sma reviews section Home Page" data-idIframe="{{ random_number }}"></iframe></div></div>

4. Media gallery

<script>var sectionConfig={ "type_layout" : "gallery", "source" : "default_layout"};</script>{% assign random_number = "now" | date: "%N" | modulo: 1000 | plus: 0 %}<script>var sectionConfig=  (typeof sectionConfig == "undefined" || sectionConfig == null) ? {} : sectionConfig;var scmCustomData= (typeof scmCustomData == "undefined" || scmCustomData == null) ? {} : scmCustomData;var scmCustomDataWigetAll= (typeof scmCustomDataWigetAll == "undefined" || scmCustomDataWigetAll == null) ? [] : scmCustomDataWigetAll; scmCustomDataWigetAll['{{ random_number }}'] ={ "id_iframe" : "{{ random_number }}","productId" : "","typePage" : 'homePage',"sectionConfig" : JSON.stringify(sectionConfig),"scmCustomData" : JSON.stringify(scmCustomData),'dataProduct' : []};sectionConfig= null;scmCustomData= null;</script><div class="scm-container" style="display: none;"><div class="scm-reviews-importer"><iframe class="scm-reviews-importer-iframe" width="100%" title="Sma reviews section Home Page" data-idIframe="{{ random_number }}"></iframe></div></div>

5. Card grid

<script>var sectionConfig={ "type_layout" : "grid", "source" : "default_layout"};</script>{% assign random_number = "now" | date: "%N" | modulo: 1000 | plus: 0 %}<script>var sectionConfig=  (typeof sectionConfig == "undefined" || sectionConfig == null) ? {} : sectionConfig;var scmCustomData= (typeof scmCustomData == "undefined" || scmCustomData == null) ? {} : scmCustomData;var scmCustomDataWigetAll= (typeof scmCustomDataWigetAll == "undefined" || scmCustomDataWigetAll == null) ? [] : scmCustomDataWigetAll; scmCustomDataWigetAll['{{ random_number }}'] ={ "id_iframe" : "{{ random_number }}","productId" : "","typePage" : 'homePage',"sectionConfig" : JSON.stringify(sectionConfig),"scmCustomData" : JSON.stringify(scmCustomData),'dataProduct' : []};sectionConfig= null;scmCustomData= null;</script><div class="scm-container" style="display: none;"><div class="scm-reviews-importer"><iframe class="scm-reviews-importer-iframe" width="100%" title="Sma reviews section Home Page" data-idIframe="{{ random_number }}"></iframe></div></div>

6. Star ratings

<div class="scm-reviews-rate" data-rate-version2="{{ product.metafields.scm_review_importer.reviewsData.reviewCountInfo | json | escape }}" data-product-id="{{ }}"></div>

Each piece of code is just added to one Liquid block.

  • For example, if you want to add LAI Product review section block:


Step 3: Save and publish#

  • Save and publish the block addition and check it in your online store.

If you have any problem, please contact us via live chat or drop us an emails to [email protected]. We are more than happy to assist you.